October 05 2022 0Comment
Dengue Solution In Islamabad

Dengue Spray Solution in Islamabad

Dengue Spray Solution in Islamabad | Dengue Spray Service in Blue Area | Dengue Spray Service in F11 Islamabad | Dengue Spray in F10 Islamabad

Dengue is ringing bells in Islamabad. One of the deadliest disease after covid has already hit islamabad with full force. Dengue Cases are rising day by day in PIMS, Poly Clinic and other hospitals.

How To Control Dengue?

The primary preventative measure to reduce dengue infections is the control of mosquito populations. Because the transmission of dengue requires mosquitoes as vectors. The spread of dengue can be limited by reducing mosquito populations. One practical and recommended environmental management strategy is to eliminate unnecessary container habitats that collect water. Such as plastic jars, bottles, cans, tires, and buckets in which Aedes aegypti can lay their eggs. This strategy is called source reduction. When container habitats are removed and water storage containers are covered with a fine mesh to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside them, mosquitoes have fewer opportunities to lay eggs and cannot develop through their aquatic life stages. Source reduction can be effective when performed regularly, especially when members of a community are mobilized and educated about vector control.

What to Do If Dengue Fever Happens?

First of all Get treatment from local hospitals they will Run tests and diagnose properly. Take Fluids like water, juices, fruits and liquid food. Take rest and run water on hands, arms, face etc.

Dengue Spray Solution in Islamabad

Dengue Spray Service in Blue Area

Why Choose Us?

Eastern Services operates under an approved license as an authorized Pest Control Service Provider. As a licensed treatment provider we can help businesses meet their  requirements by providing effective and timely fumigation services.

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Eastern Associates, Eastern Marketics, Eastern e-mart


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